About Dance Caliente
Raul and Eileen

Eileen Herman-Haase is known for her gift as a gentle and patient teacher who can break down even ther most complex concepts into simple and doable steps. Raul Nieves possesses a contagious energy and a profound ability to invent new and unique strategies to help students understand movement concepts.

Together as Dance Caliente, Raul and Eileen share a compelling magnetism as master teachers, choreographers, and performers.Their goal is to impart the joy of partner dancing onto their students. They welcome students of varying ages and experience. In the classroom, with two teachers they are able to separate group classes into sections according to ability or desire, while still finding opportunities to give individualized attention. They show a high level of committment to meeting every student's needs through their patience and sincerity, and by creating an atmosphere of fun and energy. Along with their exceptional teaching techniques, Dance Caliente creates the best possible learning environment.